There is a common saying “Oh! Isn’t karma a bitch” that has become very popular in modern culture and is used too frequently in context with karma. But the people who really think that karma is something dreadful haven’t really figured out how it actually works. Many people think that karma is just a law that forces you to be good all the time because if you are bad then karma will come and take revenge. This is the way many religions preach morality with the threat of an impending hell for wrongdoers. But karma is not that simple. It is a much bigger concept than that. 1. In very simplified terms karma is the law of cause and effect. For every effect there is something that caused it and it in turns becomes a cause for some other effect. The cycle continues and karma states that bad actions become causes for further bad actions while good actions become causes of good effects. Such a law can never be a bitch because it acts impersonally all the time. 2. Karma is unbi...